Thursday, December 30, 2010

New's Year Eve

What are doing New Years, New Years Eve? A line from one of my favorite songs on a wonderful Christmas Album, "Sleighride" by the Randy Van Horne singers.

When I look back on this year I am surprised by how quickly it has gone with some dog days keeping Fall feeling like Summer until our heads whirled and we were in the thick of the holidays. It is time for me to give thanks for 2010.Thanks for finding my long lost best friend without contact for 18 years, when hit by a whimsy I sat down at the computer with sheer determination that I wouldn't get up until I found her. Four and a half hours later I was talking with her on the phone. When you love someone through your young formative years it is a pure love, the adult mind doesn't get in the way. It is just as it ever was, we have changed over the years, grown and stumbled and came out the other end stronger and hopefully a little wiser. I dedicate this post to you my dear friend. You have always been an angel in my life and I am so glad we are together again. I give thanks.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Swag Glory

This photo was well worth the 12 block treck in biting temperatures. I was moved by the unconventional use of colors, with pinks and purples. They added so much to this heather swag adorning a lovely historical home in Alexandria, Virginia. Note the addition of Pheasant feathers, this puts me in the holiday cheery mood for sure. Have the greatest Holidays and all the best from us here at Skin Pure Skin.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Colon Detox-Flatten that Holiday tummy

There are many colon detoxification products out there. Many can leave you feeling rather sick, a process called auto-intoxification, or make you literally run to the bathroom. I don't know about you, but I have a busy life and do not want to be rudely interrupted for the sake of a healthy colon.

Meet Oxy-Powder these little capsules help to slough off the internal dead stuff called mucoid plaque that keeps you from digesting all the wonderful nutrients from your foods.

Ever feel hungry all the time but you know you are eating enough? And with my own personal experience I lost one pant size in three days. Not fat, not water, just slow leftover, no nice way to put it, poop.

Oxy-powder is an oxygenated geranium vegetarian capsule that boosts your immune system. You take four powdered capsules with a full glass of water in the evening and then in the morning everything is completely liquified. I only do this once a week for a maintenance routine. Energy for the day is increased and that lower abdomen bump is lessened, you will have clearer skin for it too. Rejuvenate you skin, colon, and energy. I have only been able to find it online from GHC. I truly would go up a pant size without this easy feel good product. A must have.